Tom Worthan Pushes Higher Taxes…Again! SPLOST

May 25, 2009

Here we go again! Douglas County Chairman Tom Worthan says he will push for more sales tax in November with a Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax. He is seeking $130 million. The voters have defeated 2 SPLOST in 2006-2007.

Here is the story from

SPLOST vote likely in November
Would fund new jail
By Winston Jones
Staff Writer
Posted: Saturday, May 23, 2009 1:09 AM EDT

Douglas County will likely ask voters this November for a special purpose local option sales tax (SPLOST) to build a new county jail, Commission Chairman Tom Worthan said Friday.

Worthan made his remarks at a noon meeting of the Kiwanis Club of Douglas County at Logan Roadhouse restaurant.

“We’re going to ask again for a SPLOST to build a new jail,” Worthan said early in his presentation to the club. However, he later qualified his remarks to say that the decision to seek a referendum isn’t final yet, and it will have to be decided by the entire Board of Commissioners (BOC). Read the rest of this entry »

From: Igor Malanchuk

July 16, 2008

To the voters of Douglas County,

Thank you for the opportunity to seek public office and special thanks to those who voted for me. I am truly honored and humbled by the support I did receive.

We knew going into this race it would be a challenge, but we felt it was important to bring forth issues not being addressed by the status quo.

This race was not about me, but about principles and policies. We ran on the principles of limited government, lower taxes and fiscal responsibility; principles of equality and free enterprise. Principles set forth by the Republican Party, but often abandon by those we elect to office.

It has been a unique learning experience to be directly involved in this political process. An experience I hope more of you will have the opportunity to be a part of.

Citizen participation is the foundation of this Constitutional Republic. As a private citizen, I pledge to stay involved in the affairs of our government and community and want you to stay in touch with me.

I hope you to will also feel the need to be more involved in the community around you.

Thank you for the blessings,

Igor Malanchuk

3697 Hwy 5, Suite 6 Douglasville, GA 30135

Tel: (770) 947-8253 Fax: (770) 947-8254 E-mail:

…those cold and timid souls…

July 16, 2008

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.” Theodore Roosevelt

Douglas County Election Results

July 16, 2008

With 26 of the 27 precincts counted, with only provisional ballots to be counted Wednesday, the unofficial returns include:

• Republican Primary
County Commission Chairman: Tom Worthan, 5,212 votes, 84.2 percent; Igor Malanchuk, 979, 15.8 percent;

Board of Education, District 5: Jeff Morris, 928, 42.8 percent; Rickey Roland, 688, 31.7 percent; Mark Worthy, 359, 16.6 percent; Keith Thornton, 193, 8.9 percent;

Board of Education, District 1: Mike Miller, 621, 60.1 percent; Christine Smith, 412, 39.9 percent;
Tax Commissioner: Todd Cowan, 4,482, 75.3 percent; Joan Edenfield, 1,472, 24.7 percent;

Clerk of Superior Court: Rhonda Payne, 4,720, 77.4 percent; Sandra Rollins, 1,377, 22.6 percent;

• Democratic Primary
Sheriff: Derrick Broughton, 2,226, 68.0 percent; John Francis, 1.049, 32.0 percent.

In Douglas County voting in contested state races:

• Republican Primary
Public Service Commissioner: Doug Everett, 3,600, 66.8 percent; Rick Collum, 1,791, 33.2 percent;

Public Service Commissioner: Lauren McDonald, 2,620, 50.2 percent; Pam Davidson, 2,601, 49.8 percent;

• Democratic Primary
U.S. Senate: Vernon Jones, 1,764, 47.5 percent; Jim Martin, 934, 25.1 percent; Dale Cardwell, 830, 22.3 percent; Rand Knight, 123, 3.3 percent; Josh Lanier, 66, 1.8 percent;

Public Service Commissioner: Jim Powell, 2,561, 84.2 percent; Bob Indech, 481, 15.8 percent;

U.S. House, 13th District: David Scott, 1,807, 59.2 percent; Donzella James, 1,244, 40.8 percent;
STATE House, District 64: Roger Bruce, 527, 62.8 percent; Charles Brant, 313, 37.2 percent.

Douglas County Ga. Primary Election Results

July 15, 2008

The results of Douglas County Georgia Primary Election will be posted here as they are provided by the county. Please visit this page later tonight (July 15).

Invitation: Election Night Reception

July 15, 2008

From Igor Malanchuk:

Dear Friends and Supporters,

Thank you for your support and help with our campaign. We had a very short time to get out our message that we must control spending and bring about new leadership for the future. The future is now in the hands of the voters. With a low voter turn out expected, it is impossible to predict how the vote will go. This may be a very close race!

Regardless of the out come, I have enjoyed meeting and working with you and promise to stay involved in our government. I hope you will be involved also.

Tuesday night (July 15), we are hosting an Election Watch Party at my campaign headquarters located at 3697 Hwy 5, Suite 6 between the hours of 7:30 and 9:30 pm.

Please join us for food and refreshments and bring your friends and family.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Proud to be an American,

Igor Malanchuk

Campaign Headquarters:

3697 Hwy 5, Suite 6 Douglasville, GA 30135

Tel: (770) 947-8253 Fax: (770) 947-8254 E-mail:


From I-20 West, exit 34 (Hwy 5) take Left and go 3 miles See Cedar Mountain Village Center (next to Food Depot)

It was supposed to be an easy race…

July 11, 2008

A Campaign letter from Tom Worthan and his wife;
From an ad in the Douglas Neighbor Newspaper

To the voters of Douglas County,

It was supposed to be an easy campaign….. Over the last 3 ½ years there have been many positive changes in our county to enrich and ensure our quality of life. Douglas County is fiscally sound for the first time in many years. There has been corporative working commitment from all the entities that come together for the good of the people; City Officials, WSA, School Board, etc. The housing requirements have been upgraded so that when you buy a new home in Douglas County you can be assured the quality is more durable and will last. There have been improvements to parks that were in shambles for several years. You are safer because you have more fire, police and emergency facilities and workers. You have a better Douglas County than you had four years ago.

It was supposed to be an easy campaign….so many people told us how much they appreciate the dedication and commitment in this position of service, the job well done would be stand on its own.

However, it has not been easy… It is difficult to read all the misquoted, misinformed information that paints a bleak picture of our county, when we know the truth.

We are asking you to join us and take the HIGH road… We are asking you to take this election to heart, pray about your decision and Vote on Tuesday, July 15th.

Local officials are often chosen in the primary. Few people realize that and only vote in November. The PRIMARY is when you can make a difference.

Sincerely, Tom and Linda Worthan

Paid for by the Committee to Elect Tom Worthan, Chairman – Douglas County Board of Commissioners – Tony Godfrey, Chairman P.O. Box 1901, Douglasville, Ga. 30134 –

Igor Malanchuk- Debate with Opponent Tom Worthan Unlikely

July 10, 2008

Igor Malanchuk for Chairman,
Douglas County Board of Commissioners
Contact: Igor Malanchuk

For Immediate Release June 25, 2008

Igor Malanchuk sees Debate with Opponent Tom Worthan Unlikely

Douglasville GA: Republican candidate for chairman of the Douglas County Board of Commissioners Igor Malanchuk said he is disappointed that his opponent Tom Worthan refuses to debate him in a public forum after Worthan said twice that he would attend a debate if the GOP hosted it.

Malanchuk said it is important for the public to see the two candidates talk about the issues that concerns voters… taxes and government spending.

“Mr. Worthan on two occasions agreed to a one-on-one debate with me but now he refuses to meet. What is he afraid of and what is he hiding from?”, said Malanchuk.
Read the rest of this entry »

Douglas County Pension Fund

July 10, 2008

Pension funds: why the County is silent on ROI and fees?

A Pension Fund is an investment. ANY investment is about two things:
• Return on investment (stocks, bonds, money market, etc.)
• Management fee.

The County is SILENT on both expense and investment returns, and wants everyone to believe that a free lunch is possible on Wall Street: you get two more benefits for free.

The Pension Board “felt it was in the County’s best interest,” “estimated that this move will save the County approximately $175,275.00 per year,” and believes that “this move will … immediately increase the investment returns” (see Note 1). They neither researched alternatives with their existing manager nor sought out other investment proposals.

This change makes neither a substantive change to prospective returns they could not have found through other means nor addresses the fact that their savings may actually leave future taxpayers having to pay for benefits that are not being funded today.

The County expects you to feel, assume and hope with them instead of providing a cost benefits analysis and a reasonable explanation for the transfer (see Note 2).

The Pension and Commissioners Board both authorized to bid this contract out, but changed their mind for unknown reasons (see Note 2). It is another example of flip flopping. The pattern of contracts without biddings continues.
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Read the rest of this entry »

Douglas County Georgia Government Growth 3.4 Times Population

July 2, 2008

Over the past 3 year Douglas County Commission Chairman Tom Worthan blamed budget increases on population growth. But according to budget reports, Douglas County Government Salaries and Wage Appropriation grew 3.4 times faster than the County’s population. From $55,805,310.00 in 2004 to $85,320,131.00 in 2008, a 35% increase. While population grew from 107,000 to 119,000 in 2008 a 10% increase.

Of the $100 million budget, $85 million goes to pay for salaries, wages and benefits.